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Practice for Energy Awareness

Live your life in trust and joy, in harmony with yourself.

Dein Leben.

Herzlich Willkommen


Would you like to have a personal conversation?

  • Would you like to learn more about energy work?

  • Find out what it can give you and how you can use it in your everyday life?

  • Do you want to develop yourself?

  • Make the right decisions for you with trust and confidence?

  • View yourself and your environment from a holistic, balanced perspective?

  • Are you looking for more confidence and serenity?

Interested in a free conversation

In an hour we can discuss which energy work options we can use to address and implement your issues. I would be happy to show you how I use energy work and which exercises you can use for yourself.

Here you can arrange a free introductory appointment, in the practice, online or by telephone.

What issues do my clients have?

  • Do you have a lot on your plate and not enough time for yourself?

  • Are you going through a challenging time and want more peace and stability?

  • Are you sensitive and wish you had more control over everyday influences?

  • Are you wondering what this "energy work" is all about and are you open to new experiences?

Basic trust → further development → self-realization

Hi, I'm Michael,

In 2006 I began to learn about the human energy body and to work with it. In my work I have learned to perceive us humans as sensitive beings. Our energy body is the basis for an authentic life in the flow of energies. In my practice I focus on giving more attention and space to the awareness of the energies that work within us or affect us from outside. My intention is to approach myself, other people and life in general openly and with trust through a more conscious perception of energies.

A few testimonials from my clients

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Dr. Stefanie Hartmann

A report on my experience

I was given my first session as a gift. I was very skeptical about the subject, but at the time I had just become a mother to a cute but very demanding little guy, and I honestly thought to myself: If I can just lie around for an hour and a half and don't have to do anything, then I don't care what Micha is doing around me, then the gift will have been worth it. But then - even without physical contact - I had surprisingly strong physical sensations, such as a pulling sensation from my heart down to my left arm, which amazed me so much that I even opened my eyes to see if Micha was working on this or that part of my body by chance (yes). In the area of the upper chakras I had pretty crazy mental impressions, e.g. fragments of memories, in very rapid succession, and I had never remembered many of them since the experience in early childhood. It's hard to put into words, but it was a very intense experience of a quality I had never experienced before. It made such a lasting impression on me that I thought, if a complete stranger (that's what he was back then) can trigger something like that in you, then you should urgently take care of getting in touch with your own energy balance. I started with yoga and meditation and got the feeling from meditation books or reports that after years of practice or weeks-long retreats, practitioners can experience similar feelings to those I had in the energy session. I haven't been able to do that myself so far (probably due to lack of time ;-)), but I like to treat myself to this efficient "shortcut" through the energy sessions every now and then 😊


Simon Fiebich

Ein Erfahrungsbericht

During the first conversation before the first session, I noticed that Micha is a very loving and sensitive person and that he responded exactly to my issues and wishes at the time. During the first session itself, everything felt a bit strange at first. But after I was able to relax, I suddenly started to feel things that I hadn't even known. It was as if a kind of energy flow was beginning to awaken within me. It flowed through my entire body and I increasingly entered a state of absolute deep relaxation. I also started to get more and more visual impressions, such as images and colors. But everything was very soft and subtle. Very pleasant. Before I knew it, the session was over. The time passed very quickly. When I came to, I felt very refreshed and recharged. It was as if my soul had gone on a little, relaxing journey while my body was able to rest completely. It was a very nice feeling that stayed with me for several days afterwards. It has also given me new ideas and impulses in my life, so that I have attended the sessions more and more regularly over the last four years. We have become very good friends over time, we exchange ideas and meet up from time to time. I am very happy and grateful to Micha

I was so happy to have met him back then and can only recommend that everyone get in touch with him and try out a session. Preferably several. Micha is a truly wonderful person!

- Simon"


Anja Klinger

A report on my experience

Ich habe bisher drei Sessions mit Micha gemacht. Am eindrücklichsten und intensivsten war die erste. Ich kam damals zu ihm ohne groß Ahnung zu haben, was da eigentlich so passiert und was auf mich zukommen könnte. Es war eigentlich nur so ein Gefühl, das ich schon länger hatte, das Gefühl, dass da irgendwas ist und das ich darauf gut anspringen könnte. Den Termin vereinbarte ich dann eines Tages ziemlich plötzlich und wie aus dem Nichts.

Während der Session bemerkte ich nicht allzu viel, manchmal schon, wobei ich mir dann oft nicht sicher war, ob es Einbildung war. Ich schweifte gedanklich immer wieder weit ab, worüber ich mich dann ärgerte. Inzwischen weiß ich aber, dass es für die Chakren und auch für Micha vollkommen unerheblich ist, was mein Verstand während der Session veranstaltet.

 Als es dann vorbei war, hatte ich allerdings so starke Empfindungen in meinem energetischen Körper (dass es das gibt war mir vorher nicht so richtig klar), dass von Einbildung nicht ansatzweise die Rede sein konnte. Eine Woche hielt das an, wobei es von Tag zu Tag schwächer wurde und ich mich in der Zeit so fühlte, als käme ich von einem anderen Planet. Es war ganz ganz wunderbar, unbeschreiblich. 

Die anderen beiden Sessions waren deutlich milder und im Anschluss war mein Energiekörper jedes Mal zwar auch wahrnehmbar aber lange nicht mehr so in Aufruhr wie beim ersten Mal. Es ist ein ruhigeres In-sich-gehen und bewusst wahrnehmen, was einen wieder deutlich weicher werden lässt mit sich selbst und seinem Umfeld. Auch das ist wirklich wertvoll. Ich komme wieder.


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Here is a report of experience


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